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4 Little-Known Facts About Straws

added on: October 10, 2016

Our dental office in Pike Creek wants to share a little known secret with you, and it’s something so easy, so common, and even may seem a bit silly, but can do wonders to help keep your smile healthy. It’s a straw. And when you choose to use a straw instead of sipping drinks straight from a cup, it can actually help keep bacteria and cavities from damaging your teeth.

Learn more about straw power by digesting these interesting facts. Our Pike Creek dental office is pleased to share them with you as another way you can help protect your teeth from decay.

Straw Fact #1 – Help Keep Teeth Stain-Free

Using a straw when enjoying your favorite beverage is good idea to help protect teeth against common staining, especially when there’s long-term exposure to dark-colored drinks like coffee and tea that are consumed daily. By using a straw, you can help avoid constant and direct contact with your front teeth and do your best to keep your smile white.

Straw Fact #2 – Great Exposure Control

Much like protection your teeth from stains, using a straw can control how much direct exposure drinks have on your smile. It’s all about directing these materials away from your teeth. Even though some contact does occur, it’s minimized when you’re slurping through a straw. This means less bacteria and sugar actually stick to your smile which limits the likelihood of decay.

Straw Fact #3 – Increased Chances of Avoiding Germs

Did you know cups, both at home and in restaurants, can host germs even if they look clean? You can avoid these germs and bacteria by sticking a straw in your cup instead of putting your mouth directly on it to sip.

Straw Fact #4 – Avoid Choking and Burns

Straws can be a real mouth and tooth saver when you’re drinking a hot beverage. These small, plastic tubes allow you to take in smaller amounts of liquid at a time which can help you avoid mouth burns and also reduce the risk for choking.

Your dentist in Pike Creek does everything possible to help you keep your teeth healthy. We hope you will do the same. Using a straw is just another simple change you can make to your daily routine that could help benefit your smile. Don’t forget to brush and floss too!

Accepting new patients from Pike Creek, Wilmington, Hockessin.

About The Author
Dr. Lewis Yu

Dr. Lewis Yu, who graduated with a dental degree, completed a two-year postgraduate oral surgery training in New York City and Pennsylvania. Board-certified in Naturopathic Medicine and Integrated Biological Dental Medicine, he practiced in Philadelphia and New Jersey before joining All About Smiles. Dr. Yu is affiliated with the Holistic Dental Association and

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