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Studies Show Sleep Can Affect Your Smile

added on: August 7, 2020
woman asleep with pug

Your biological and holistic family dentist in Wilmington can show you there is a long list of things that can impact your oral health. Diet. Brushing. Flossing.

But did you know that getting not enough rest could damage your teeth? In this 2017 study, more than 8300 Korean adults were monitored at night. Researchers found that the adults who slept less than five hours nightly were showing more signs of tooth decay. This is compared to other adults who slept a minimum of seven hours each night.

Lack of Sleep and Gum Disease?

Additional studies over the past few years have found that lack of sleep can have unwanted effects on your periodontal or gum health. The hours of sleep you get each night is directly related to when and how gum disease begins to develop something known as pockets. When this happens, teeth can become loose and prone to falling out. Your bones holding your teeth in pace start to deteriorate during the formation of these pockets. 

More Inflammation?

Your biological and holistic family dentist in Wilmington can show you how lack of sleep can lead to gum issues, and it’s because of increased gum inflammation. Researchers at the Emory University School of Medicine found evidence that our bodies tend to produce more inflammatory hormones when you’re exhausted. Inflammation can easily lead to gingivitis and the full-blown periodontitis.

How Can I Get Better Sleep?

We know we might sound a bit like a broken record, but sugars and refined carbs love inflammation and speed up the decay process. So you should try to lower the amount of food and beverages containing these things if you want to enjoy a better night’s rest. It would help if you also decided to go to bed at the same time every night. Try not to stay up late on your phone or tablet devices; they’re draining you of much-needed energy and rest. 

It’s time to talk to your friends at All About Smiles if you’re having trouble with your oral health and sleeping. Because we’re Wilmington’s biological and holistic dentist, we care deeply about your on every level of health, not just your smile. Schedule a visit with us, and let’s discuss your concerns.

About The Author
Dr. Lewis Yu

Dr. Lewis Yu, who graduated with a dental degree, completed a two-year postgraduate oral surgery training in New York City and Pennsylvania. Board-certified in Naturopathic Medicine and Integrated Biological Dental Medicine, he practiced in Philadelphia and New Jersey before joining All About Smiles. Dr. Yu is affiliated with the Holistic Dental Association and

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