Your Most Common Pain Questions Answered Whether you have dull, lingering discomfort in a tooth or tender, sharp pain that just won’t go away — when you’re struggling with a toothache every minute can feel like an eternity. Living with any kind of pain can be unbearable, especially when it… Read More…
As holistic dentists in Wilmington, the All About Smiles team has seen so many different kinds of smiles in patients of all ages. We truly enjoy getting to know every patient and partnering with them on their holistic dental and overall healthy journey. One of the ways we are able… Read More…
All About Smiles understands that this time of year can make eating healthy, nutritious foods somewhat difficult. Most people and families have the opportunities to attend special, holiday-related gatherings and parties. It’s tempting to indulge at these get-togethers in the presence of all kinds of decadent foods and drinks. We… Read More…
Have you ever gone to bed early only to wake up and feel like you didn’t get any sleep at all? Are you constantly tired and can’t seem to find the right balance of rest to keep you from taking a nap at your desk? There could be more to… Read More…
There’s definitely a connection between diabetes and oral health. If you have diabetes it’s extremely important to take excellent care of your teeth and gums. Diabetes increases a patient’s risk for infections in the mouth and the likelihood of the occurrence of periodontal (gum) disease. Do You Have Diabetes? Please… Read More…
Did you know that completely eliminating stress from your life is actually harmful to your health? You actually need stress in your life now and then so that your body emits the proper reaction when it’s subjected to a challenging situation. How Does Stress Work? When your body and mind… Read More…
When we hear the word ‘probiotics,’ we don’t typically consider them beneficial for the mouth, but rather, the gut. While probiotics certainly have their place in digestive health, at our dental office in Wilmington, we’ve come across some research that may suggest a link between certain types of probiotics and… Read More…
As we all gear up to head back to school, loading up on folders, notebooks, pencils, and backpacks, the team at our dental office in Wilmington wants to send a friendly reminder to our patients and neighbors about the importance of getting your child (or yourself) to the dentist before school… Read More…
Parenting is hard. Admit it. Especially since every couple, every family, every child is different. Even if there were a definitive manual for parenting, it wouldn’t work for every kid in every situation. Add in your crazy schedule, the struggle to balance work and family life, and importance of making… Read More…
Want to improve your health? Don’t we all! Even people who think they are living healthy lifestyles – getting plenty of exercise, taking care with the food they eat, and choosing integrative healthcare providers like your Wilmington dentist – may be missing a few things that could help them get even… Read More…
It all adds up to better health, smile, body, and spirit!