In the field of dentistry, SMART stands for the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique. Dentists can receive certification in this technique through the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). Due to the traces of toxic mercury found in amalgam fillings, it’s integral that dentists follow the recommended safety… Read More…
When discussing biocompatibility in dentistry, this refers to materials or devices that are crafted to function harmoniously with the body. Many holistic dentists seek out materials that serve this function, as they contribute to overall health and have been proven to be effective. Many patients don’t give a tremendous amount… Read More…
As your Wilmington holistic dentist, we care about your body from the outside in, beyond teeth, and certainly starting early with children. That’s why we believe everyone deserves a healthy start. Dr. Lewis Yu and Dr. Grace Liu have special training and provide access to something worth knowing about called… Read More…
The word ozone can mean more than just the ozone layer! Ozone itself is a form of oxygen that contains three oxygen molecules, or O3. When it is in its pure O3 state, ozone is a colorless and flavorless gas. Originally studied for use in the dental field beginning in… Read More…
As your minimally-invasive biological dentist in Wilmington, All About Smiles is continually educating our patients about the fundamental importance of how your mouth and body work together. Your wellness starts with your mouth and ends at your toes. It’s the whole-body approach to dentistry that we love! While there are… Read More…
Are you constantly dealing with sore facial, head, and jaw pains? Is there a popping or uncomfortable feeling when you’re speaking or chewing? These could be potential warning signs that you need to talk to a biological and holistic dentist in Wilmington about your temporomandibular joint or TMJ. Located on… Read More…
Do you have trouble with recurring, painful conditions like headaches, earaches, and backaches? This chronic discomfort can limit your ability to live the life you want and often go overlooked or misdiagnosed. Headache, facial, and jaw pain sufferers know how frustrating it can be to never really get the relief… Read More…
“Comprehensive care for your smile and body from two highly-skilled dentists and knowledgeable guides for help down the path to total body wellness.” That’s how Dr. Lewis Yu and Dr. Grace Liu describe being Wilmington biological dentists, where whole-body health, prevention, and conservative treatment methods are built into the foundation… Read More…
As your biological and holistic dentists in Wilmington, Dr. Grace Liu and Dr. Lewis Yu can help you understand the many essential ways your nutrition is connected to your oral and overall health — more importantly, your gums. We go out of our way to prevent all forms of periodontal… Read More…
Everyone has headaches at some point in their lives. However, if you frequently get headaches, facial pain, trouble chewing, talking, or even yawning, you may have a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). Neuromuscular dentistry aims to find the source of headaches and myofascial pain, cure the symptoms and underlying problems, and… Read More…
It all adds up to better health, smile, body, and spirit!