Have you ever heard of someone scraping their tongue? We’re not referring to a dental accident or trauma, we’re actually referring to another step in your at-home dental routine that can help your teeth stay healthy too. Join your Wilmington biological and holistic family dentist in learning more about this… Read More…
We want to think that in 2020, we’re all taking some time to slow down a bit and take in some of the little moments life has to offer each day. However, we all know that in this fast-paced world of on-demand everything and need-it-now attitudes, it can be a… Read More…
As we begin a new year and another decade, the All About Smiles team thought it was a good idea to reflect on our very own Dr. Lewis Yu’s journey towards the path of functional medicine and holistic dentistry in Wilmington. The idea stems from this recent article. You meet… Read More…
Well, it’s that time of year again when we start to consider New Year’s resolutions both past and present. Do you have something in mind when the clock strikes 2020? Are you done with resolutions and the pressure they can bring? Are you unsure of what you’d like to accomplish… Read More…
It’s kind of hard to believe, but here we are so close to Thanksgiving. Before all of the food, fun, and festivities begin, we wanted to take a moment to share some tips for a healthy and safe holiday. Before we dive in all of that, everyone at our holistic… Read More…
In honor of November being National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, your Wilmington holistic dentist wants to recognize our patients and families who have been affected. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the disease is the most common form of dementia. Dementia is a general term for memory loss and your other… Read More…
According to the American Academy of Periodontology, about 64.7 million American adults were struggling with mild, moderate, or severe gum periodontitis, which is a more advanced form of gum disease. That’s over half of all the adults in America, having some kind of gum disease. At our Wilmington holistic dental… Read More…
Get out your white lab coats and spiral notebooks because today we’re headed to chemistry class where your Wilmington holistic dentist is going to talk a little bit about your oral pH levels and how they can have an effect on your oral and overall health. Your oral pH can… Read More…
Did you know that dental anxiety is probably more common than you think? That’s right! In fact, the American Dental Association estimates that as many as one in five Americans go to the dentist when they’re left with no other choice. Dentophobia, or severe dental anxiety, is often rooted in… Read More…
Everyone wants a bright smile, but sometimes some things in life make our teeth less than pearly white. What about YOUR smile? Have you looked to see if there’s any yellowing in and around your teeth? If so, don’t panic! Your holistic dentist in Wilmington is here to help. But… Read More…
It all adds up to better health, smile, body, and spirit!