“Comprehensive care for your smile and body from two highly-skilled dentists and knowledgeable guides for help down the path to total body wellness.” That’s how Dr. Lewis Yu and Dr. Grace Liu describe being Wilmington biological dentists, where whole-body health, prevention, and conservative treatment methods are built into the foundation… Read More…
Snoring is quite possibly one of the most annoying sounds in the world, especially when you’re trying to sleep — and it potentially affects an entire household. Dr. Lewis Yu and Dr. Grace Liu, your biological and holistic dentists in Wilmington, know a thing or two about snoring and how… Read More…
As your biological and holistic dentists in Wilmington, Dr. Grace Liu and Dr. Lewis Yu can help you understand the many essential ways your nutrition is connected to your oral and overall health — more importantly, your gums. We go out of our way to prevent all forms of periodontal… Read More…
With everything happening in the world, it’s easy to find yourself feeling downright down. As your Wilmington holistic and biological dentist, we understand the range of emotions we all go through and how trying it can be. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that about 9% of… Read More…
Vitamin D is one of the most important things our body needs to thrive and operate at an optimal level, your Wilmington biological and holistic dentist knows this best. However, vitamin D can be challenging to regulate. What does that mean for you and your oral health? Let’s take a… Read More…
We all need to come clean about something. After spending a couple of years now on Zoom meetings, you notice your appearance more when it’s always staring back at you all day, every day. Your holistic and biological Wilmington dentists totally get it. Now, more than ever, it seems we… Read More…
We love being the top choice for your Wilmington holistic and biological dentists at All About Smiles. Our team makes it our mission to bring you into our close-knit family where you always feel you have a home. What makes what we do so fulfilling and rewarding is that we’re… Read More…
One of the most common reasons your Wilmington holistic and biological dentist might recommend oral surgery is because of your wisdom teeth. Unfortunately, they can be a real, even painful problem for so many people, especially as you get older. Other than when you’re getting them removed or when they’re… Read More…
Do you know the feeling? You wake up from a deep sleep, and your mouth feels as dry as the desert. You need water — now! That strange feeling you get can usually be relieved by drinking a few sips of water, but what if it couldn’t? What if dry… Read More…
March is here and your holistic and biological dentists in Wilmington think it’s time for a recipe recharge as we share some healthy ideas you can use to give your body a reboot just in time for spring. We do love our green juice drinks at our Wilmington holistic and… Read More…
It all adds up to better health, smile, body, and spirit!