Have you ever heard of the remineralization process? By adding some supplements to your diet, you can fortify your smile and feed it properly — just like the rest of your body. It’s important to note that before adding any supplements to your routine, you should always double-check with your… Read More…
We all know that to have a healthy, beautiful smile you need to regularly brush and floss at home. However, while most people are good about brushing, sometimes it’s easy to skip flossing once each day. As your Wilmington holistic and biological dentist, we understand that you get busy, don’t… Read More…
As a society, we have come to embrace the power of female beauty, without any regard to body shape or the color of our skin. But there’s something else women of all ages and backgrounds need to be aware of, and your holistic and biological dentist in Wilmington is here… Read More…
As your holistic and biological dentist in Wilmington, we wanted to talk to you about vitamins and supplements. We get a lot of questions from patients about how they can improve their diet and nutritional intake. Our dentists and team even go one step further, providing counseling that’s tailored to… Read More…
Before April has come and gone, your biological and holistic dentist in Wilmington wanted to take a moment to recognize some ways to prevent oral cancer. Why here and now? Because April is officially Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s always a good time to talk about ways you can… Read More…
Your biological and holistic dentists in Wilmington often get asked if our non-traditional dentistry style is real or how it compares to other offices. We’re always happy to answer your questions and talk with you about how we can help improve and protect both your oral and overall health. We… Read More…
Is it you? Is it someone in your family? Maybe it’s a neighbor? Or how about someone you know from work? What is your holistic and biological dentist in Wilmington trying to find out? Is there someone in your life that has a genuine, deep-seated phobia or fear of the… Read More…
Have you ever tried tongue scraping or Jihwa Prakshalana? This Ayurvedic ritual is a way to remove unwanted residue from the surface of the tongue. Your holistic and biological dentist in Wilmington recently stumbled upon this article and thought it might be a good idea to talk with you a… Read More…
We made it past the year that was 2020 and there are certainly brighter, better days ahead for us all. As your holistic and biological dentist in Wilmington, we take your whole body health into consideration while also taking care of your precious smile. Here are some tips we hope… Read More…
We came across this article featuring well-known Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow. It talks about how she sought advice from a holistic dentist to actually help her family deal and heal from her split with her musician husband, Chris Martin. The two notorious split in 2016 in what they described as… Read More…
It all adds up to better health, smile, body, and spirit!