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Sleep Apnea Treatment in Wilmington for a Healthier Night’s Sleep
added on: June 27, 2024

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, yet it often goes undiagnosed. At All About Smiles, we strive to educate our patients to understand the warning signs of sleep apnea, empowering them to take control of their oral health and overall well-being. Sleep apnea… Read More…

Unlocking the Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea: A Holistic Perspective from Wilmington, DE
added on: March 9, 2024

Did you know the American Academy of Sleep Medicine estimates that about 30 million people in our country struggle with sleep apnea? Unfortunately, only about six million cases are properly diagnosed, and about 20 percent of the overall population shows signs of sleep apnea, according to more data from the National… Read More…

Healthy Sleep Apnea Lifestyle Tips for a Longer Life Expectancy
added on: October 21, 2022
All About Smiles in Wilmington

Snoring is quite possibly one of the most annoying sounds in the world, especially when you’re trying to sleep — and it potentially affects an entire household. Dr. Lewis Yu and Dr. Grace Liu, your biological and holistic dentists in Wilmington, know a thing or two about snoring and how… Read More…

How Sleep Affects Your Oral Health
added on: November 4, 2021

When your biological and holistic dentist in Wilmington is educating patients like you about what it takes to have optimal oral health, we’ll chat with you about your diet and hygiene habits. We also want to know about what else you’re facing in life. Do you exercise regularly? Are you… Read More…

Are You Ready to Break Your Cycle of Bad Sleep?
added on: May 3, 2019
woman angry at man snoring

In honor of May being Better Sleep Month, your Wilmington holistic dentist decided to dedicate this blog to sleep. There’s an epidemic happening across America right now as you’re reading this, and chances are, you’re a part of it (and probably don’t even know it). The Facts About Sleep Loss… Read More…

Posted In: Sleep Apnea

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?
added on: November 17, 2017
sleep apnea graphic

Have you ever gone to bed early only to wake up and feel like you didn’t get any sleep at all? Are you constantly tired and can’t seem to find the right balance of rest to keep you from taking a nap at your desk? There could be more to… Read More…

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It all adds up to better health, smile, body, and spirit!