It pretty much goes without saying that this year has brought stress and worry to everyone on some level. Add the holidays into the mix, and you could see your stress levels rise. It’s estimated that 70 percent of American adults say they struggle with some level of anxiety or stress every day.
As the year finally draws to a close, your Wilmington holistic and biological dentist thought it might be a good idea to revisit three important ways you can rely on to reduce stress and anxiety.
Tip #1 – Get Some Exercise
Everyone from your primary care provider to your family members have probably told you at some point about the benefits of regular exercise. It’s absolutely essential in the fight against stress. Exercise has been proven to:
Remember to always talk with the doctor before starting any new exercise routine. Why not start out with something simple. Your holistic and biological dentist in Wilmington suggests walking, jogging, running, or yoga.
Tip #2 – Use Essential Oils
After you feel the burn during your workout, try cooling down with some soothing essential oils or aromatherapy to treat your mood. There are numerous studies showing how aromatherapy can soothe an anxious mind and help you sleep more soundly. Try some of these scents and see how they work for you:
Tip #3 – Live, Love, and Always Laugh
Try to find the humor in life, now and during the holidays. Why is this so important? It’s difficult to feel anxiety when you’re laughing so hard there are tears involved. Laughing is proven to be good for you, boost your mood, and even relax your muscles. There are even studies suggesting that laughing can help keep your immune system strong over the long term. So, if you find yourself thinking something’s funny go ahead and LOL.
As this is our last post of the year, we want to thank you for choosing us as your Wilmington holistic and biological dentist. We’re so grateful for your friendship and support. Our entire team wishes you and your family peace and happiness as we close the chapter on the year that was 2020, and look forward to positive progress in 2021.
It all adds up to better health, smile, body, and spirit!